Technical Services:
Sweden: +46 72 885 3800
Norway: +47 21 42 01 71
Denmark: +45 53 61 40 75
Finland: +358 20 730 9892
Marine Claims:
Sweden: +46 10 205 1214
Norway: +47 22 41 59 05
Denmark: +45 53 70 40 75
Finland: +358 9 315 80846
Marine Surveyor
Mikael joined Wesmans 2023 when the Vaasa Office were opened. He is a Master Mariner and has a broad experience in shipping. He has worked as Chief Officer on both Finnish and Swedish icebreakers and on RoRo vessels. Mikael has also experience from shore side as Fleet Manager in a ferry company. During his spare time he likes to sail with his family and explore new anchorages and places around the Baltic sea.